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Pods from an old neighbor

Dont know what all of these are but I am going to have fun finding out!


I know the giant one is paprika, thats a good start :beer:

Any ID would be appreciated


Looks like mostly annuum pods. The skinny long red ones are cayennes I believe, the fatter, shorter red ones could be a fresno or something?? The fatter, large red ones could be a dozen different things. The big, wrinkly one second from the bottom on the left looks like a Joe's Long or something... or a 'Long Hot'. Bottom right looks like a thai pepper kinda? The small ones look like tepins, but I see three distinct pod shapes in there so it's hard to tell. The longer ones almost look long enough to be tabascos, and theres round ones that remind me of piquins. If the longer tiny ones are real juicy inside they're tabascos. I agree that the yellows look like aji lemons.

Hard to tell without tasting them and seeing the plant. Most of these are total guesses haha. I'm no expert so maybe others have more precise answers for you. I'm having trouble with the larger ones. Best I can do is say the majority of them look like large, medium hot annuum pods.

Hopefully you like em all!
Hey Chad,

The Silver One is a Zippo and It can Burn Hot Also- It has a thick shell and should have a slight Metallic taste. ----- Ok…. But did you know that Zippo also makes Case Knives-
