Pods on Thai Hot Chili Having Issues

I want to apologize for the series of new threads.  I am a total noob when it comes to peppers (first season) and I am a big fan of experience
This plant was a Bonnie Plants Start.  It has grown well and looks very healthy.  Pods started ripening a couple of weeks ago.  The first 7 or 8 were perfect.  This week I have been getting a fair number that just dry up prior to ripening.  I have had a mild whitefly issue that I have been sucessfully battling with soap and water on a regular schedule.  I have Jalapenos, Cayennes and Habaneros fruiting as well with no issues.
Any thoughts


JoynersHotPeppers said:
Several pods have small holes, I suspect an additional insect and probably a worm or caterpillar. 
you can see a trail of something on the leaves could be ants and they carry aphids.
jedisushi06 said:
you can see a trail of something on the leaves could be ants and they carry aphids.
What looks like trails is water.  We got about 20 seconds of rain/mist  just before I took the pics. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Several pods have small holes, I suspect an additional insect and probably a worm or caterpillar. 
The hole in the one pics was caused by me.  I pulled the bad pod off instead of snipping it and it tore.  I have been over the plant with a magnifying glass...literally...and other than a few whiteeflies I can't find a thing.
Could they be sun scorched? 
Did you cause this hole?


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I had a similar problem with 2 Super Chile plants. I never found out for sure what caused it. I do know a bird was eating the tips off of some of them. Others just looked like they died and wilted away. Looked almost like they rotted on the plant. Mostly happened to pods either turning red or that were red. Very few were green pods.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Did you cause this hole?
What would you suggest for a treatment?  I still, after going over the plant a dozen times, cannot find any critters other than a few whiteflies
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Nothing, just let it ride. By the end of the season you will be tired of picking from that single plant :)

That is what i did too. I just considered it to be "the devil's cut". I got so many it hardly effected my harvest. Critters got to eat too.