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Pollination Question

I have a greenhouse grow right now which has given me a much more personal relationship with my plants. Since the greenhouse doubles as my man-cave in the winter, I have been spending a lot of time brooding over about 40 bhuts, 5 prik kee noo, 2 7Pod Douglahs, 1 Datil and 1 TS Butch T. I have isolated each variety with Agribon to prevent crosses.

Through careful observation I have noticed that the Douglahs seem to be pollinating before the flowers open. When the flowers do open, there is already a formed pod and this is on 100% of the flowers so far. You can see the flowers getting abnormally large just before they open. The TS Butch T had this happening as well for the first few flowers but I have since turned to hand pollinating it with 100% success so far. The Bhuts have always needed hand pollinating in the greenhouse (NO pollinating insects) and even then I only have about 60-70% success and rarely to I get self pollinated pods on them.

I know that nightshades have the ability to pollinate themselves under the right conditions. I use an electric toothbrush to force my tomato plants to self pollinate in the greenhouse by vibrating the flowers before and after opening. Any ideas on what mechanism is causing the high rate of self pollination in one variety but not the others? Has anyone else seen this in their indoor grows? I would love to figure this mechanism out so that I am not spending 4-5 hours a week acting like a bumblebee. And yes, I do make the "buzz buzz" sound when I do it!
I have lots of thoughts for you but can't really write them all down right now...

the varieties you list are from several different parts of the world...India, Trinidad, St. Augustine (area), and Thailand...it may be that the environment you are growing them in (your greenhouse) is better suited to the varieties that are producing pods better....this is just a thought...

It will be interesting to see how big the pods get...and how many seeds are in the pods.....
Sounds like you will be having a big Douglah harvest. Going to follow this thread. Hope to find out what the needed environmental conditions are.
As far as my current environmental conditions go, my average daytime temperature is about 80 degrees, I have a thermostat controlled exhaust system set at 82. Humidity during the day varies, its low, about 20% when the GH is venting a lot but stays around 70% when not venting. During the night my temperature stays at 60 degrees due to a natural gas heater and the humidity stays around 75-85%.

As far as general health all of the plants are doing outstanding, in fact most of the Bhuts were cut back and potted down to overwinter, but the greenhouse environment was just too warm for dormancy so they have exploded with new growth.