food Pollo con Nalley Chili...BANG!

Fried Chicken Nuggets
Nalley Thick Chili
Grated Cheddar Cheese
Yellow/Red 7-Pot Cross Hot Sauce
Yes, and I was stone sober.  Looking for a quick lunch before work, I scanned the pantry, as the wife was frying up some chicken nuggets for me to take to work for dinner.  Anyway, when my eyes came across the beautiful can of Nalley Chilli, an idea was born...
Nalley Thick Chili simmering in its own delectable juices.

Slightly burned chicken nuggets.

Pre-shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese.

Yellow/Red 7-Pot Cross Hot Sauce.

The plating.  Exquisite!


The subtle interplay between the chili seasoning and the crispy exterior of the chicken was a surprise.  The juicy taste of the chicken and 7-pot sauce left a marvelous finish on the palate.  The semi-melted cheddar cheese simply melded it all together.  BANG!!
looks good you should have posted that beauty in tb's new thread
JayT said:
Yeah, that belongs in the crappy food thread for sure.  Not that it wouldn't taste good.
You're right. I didn't see it. I only saw the Drunken Chef thread. Moderators can move it if they want to.