• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Pomegranate from supermarket seed

Back in 2008 an old gardener that lives up the hill from our yard brought me a tiny little switch of a tree he had sprouted from seed he took out of a pomegranate from the local Brookshire's supermarket. He said, "Plant it on the south side of the house to protect it from the winter winds," so I planted it in the red sand behind my garage. No other fertilizer or plant food, just a pretty nice layer of hardwood mulch around it.

We moved out of that house a year later, in 2009, and our daughter and her two kids have been there since. The other day I was over there checking on the house, and noticed that the tree actually had a fruit on it! I know my daughter has never watered it in the two years she's been living there...certainly not through the brutal Summer of 2011.

What an amazing plant:

Yes, apparently so. There was only only one fruit, however, this was the hottest, driest summer in North Louisiana's recorded history.
Update for Spring 2012. This year (4 years since plant-out) there are several more blossoms. The 4x4 is part of my old Florida weave tomato trellis, built back during the Tomato Fetish of 2008:


Here's a pik of my Tomato Grow of 2008, to show you more of the trellis. The 4x4s are 16 feet long, with the lower 4 feet cemented in the ground. There are 3 of these trellises: The 2 shown here, behind the garage, and another between the garage and neighbor's fence. These heirlooms (Pink and Black Brandywine???) grew the entire 12 feet to the top, then hung down another 2 or 3 feet. 2008 was the year I discovered chile gardening, and the garden you see here has lain fallow ever since...


That is awesome! I wanted to try growing it but our climate isn't warm enough. Wish I can find a cold hardy type to grow. Those are some pretty good looking flowers!