food Pop-N-Neros

Posted this in Wanted section --- thought Id give it face time up here.


Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method
12 whole Habanero chile pepper (orange) stemmed
1/2 pound jack cheese finely grated
1 teaspoon fresh horseradish (optional)* finely grated
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro chopped fine
1 tablespoon bacon bits (fresh cooked)
1 cup instant pancake mix
1/2 cup durum wheat flour
peanut oil

Fry lean bacon to crispy and drain on paper towels. Great cheese fine. Remove stems and chop cilantro leaves fine. Grate horseradish root fine.

Cut a small circular hole in the tops of peppers around the stem, approximately. 3/8 inch, and remove stem and seeds core.

Mix cheese, horseradish, cilantro and bacon bits together. Stuff mixture into chilies.

Put about a 1/2 inch or peanut oil in your favorite cast iron skillet and heat to high, but not smoking. Other oils are OK and using a deep fat fryer would work also.

Mix a thin pancake batter using approximate. double the amount of water called for.

Plunge stuffed habs into batter and then roll in durum flour. After all 12 are coated repeat for a second time.

A lazy-man's alternative for the batter is to cut phyllo dough and wrap each pepper. This method is not as messy, easier, faster and still taste great.

Cook only 2-3 at a time to keep the oil hot. Cook each side for 30-45 seconds (flip gently with a fork), until golden tan, not brown. Serve hot.

*Alternate filling ingredients:
Horseradish can be over powering and "kill" the flavor of the other ingredients some times. You can leave it out or substitute cumin, celery seed, garlic etc. Experiment, it's the fun part of cooking!... Or is it the eating? Enjoy!!
I didnt see that one Cheezy I found this one and had it in the wanted section for someone looking up Orange Hab recipes -- but crabmeat stuffed sounds awesome !!! I'll go look for it
You know, I just had an idea...haven't seen it posted anywhere but when I lived in Naples, Florida one of the snack raves there was Conch Fritters. They minced the Conch up, added it to hush puppy mix and fried...wonder how that would be....hush puppies with habaneros...I use jalapenos in my hush puppies now...

Habanero hush puppies dipped in Naga concentrate....wonder if they would be hot enough.....
I'm definitely going to try your batter suggestions. Poppers are probably the most popular thing with my friends that I do with peppers. They can be so labor intensive, though.
I use the batter like this with fish and clams -- with clams its just as easy to roll them in the mix with s&p and toss'em in the fryer