hybrids Possible interesting pequin cross (pics)

Well I bought a pequin plant a month or two back from a local organic nursery. The plant already had some dried pods on it last season, and some of these pods had fallen off and sprouted new plants in the pot. All of the plants look normal except for one, which has serrated leaves :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it is still a pepper, i just don't know wtf it mated with. It looks like a cross between a pepper plant & catnip IMO.

It's the one in the front off to the right. What you guys think?

That white stuff is diatomaceous earth I put out because i noticed a couple ants walking around on the pot
I can't decide about it. I'm pretty sure it still is a pepper, on closer examination the only difference appears to be the serrated edges. The general leaf shape & vein structure are identical, as well as the general shape of the plant. If there is one thing i've learned from this plant, its that pequins are hella easy to start from seed.
I have a catnip plant in my herb garden but the plant in question looks more like a confused pepper than it looks like that catnip. i guess if it lives long enough we`ll all find out
[Arnold voice]It's not a pepper. [/Arnold voice]

I pull them up out of my garden all the time. Were I a true fanatic, I would look it up and gleefully id it, but it's Friday and I just want the work day to be over.