Possible to tell the difference between Choc. TS and Douglah?

I have pods of both sitting here and I'd like to save a couple seeds but I have no idea which is which.  Should I discard my idea of saving a few seeds or can you folks tell the difference?  I can post a photo if there are differences between the pods of the two
I'm really only interested in keeping seeds from the chocolate scorpion.  I am confused though.  Some have what I would call a bonnaet shape, while some don't.  However some look like they have the start of that shape but it's not completely defined if that makes sense?
Some are obvious like this.  Scorpion I believe?


Some look like this.  Douglah?



That's about half of what I have of these

here's another thread just made by Phil.  I have some that look exactly liek these also which would blow my theory of the ones being douglah if his are all in fact chocolate scorpions

New Post
Let's try this a different way.  Tell me if I am right with the folowing
All chocolate scorpions?


Separate group from the above two.  All have the bonnet like shape but no pronounced tail.  Except maybe those two bottom left but it's not sharp like the others

I can see how youd have trouble. There may be a few that need to be switched around.
if somebody sent you that in a SFRB the two should have been separated. Like Jamie said the Chocolate Scorps should be smooth. The Douglah, not so much.
My advice is pick two with the most distinguished tails and keep the seeds or I can just send you two different types of chocolate Scorp seeds that I have.
They were won in a contest on here.  Was a bunch of reds too but it was like 4-5 varities.  I just dehydrated them and didn't worry about seed saving.  I'll do the same with these since it isn't easy to tell.  None are really smooth.  No big deal, I don't really need the seeds.  I just like seed saving lol :)
megahot said:
My advice is pick two with the most distinguished tails and keep the seeds or I can just send you two different types of chocolate Scorp seeds that I have.
These three have the best tails.  Safe to say scorpions then? 
I wouldn't be able to do the flavor thing.  I've only had a couple superhots and neither of these.  Hell, besides a box of orange mini bells and mata frades sent to me a couple weeks ago these are among my first pods ever.  the other stuff have been flakes or dried peppers

yea I'm not saving seeds.  I'm not wanting to contribute to the guessing and spreading seed I don't know what it is.  :)
seriously a speck and you will get the flavor. 'dem florida boys like the douglahs and one day will be getting the rest of my douglah powder. I just tried my first choc. scorp the other day and it was tasty. Much better then the douglah IMO
Agree with you totally JAG.
Chocolate scorps are a lot sweeter/fruitier than douglahs. Douglahs tend to not have much taste at all. Just some acidic bitterness with  a touch of fruit. They don't even have much of the typical 7 pot floral tinge.