Pot Luck Shocker?!?

I know some of you will be sickened or horrified by this.... please be warned that this may not be pleasant.....


What???? and not know what will come up????

*Someone get Omri and AJ the smelling salts*

Phew! OK now?

I don't mind this kind of gamble, and I love surprises.

I am also a somewhat new serious pepper grower. IGG is also sending me seeds and I did not specify what I wanted. I just said that I would trust him.

When I know for certain what I want, I may be less free with my garden space. Anyone else done this?

P.S. I am taking careful notes on everything else, and I will make sure that I have my for sure goto's from last year as well as my new burners.
I always save seeds from mystery peppers to try again but I just don't have time anymore for new unknowns. Surprises can be nice though.:)
Cheezy...how could you do such a thing?....:shocked::shame:

J/K...I did the same thing with the free seeds from Beth at Peppermania....I classified them as "black" and "regular" seeds and planted probably 35 of them.....wonder how many threads will be posted trying to figure out which plant is which pepper...

This is going to be a fun pepper growing season...
It will! I seem to get the feeling that any black seeds are a roccoto of sorts, but I could of course be wrong. I also take it that smaller seeds are most likely to be hot and larger ones not.
Black seeds are C. pubescens which are: Rocotos, locoto, manzanos. They usually have beautiful purple flowers but they can also be stubborn in setting fruit, especially during hot periods.
I haven't grown a lot of C. pubescens and only Rocotos. They are very different tasting than most chiles with a different type of heat too. Some people can't take the heat of these while they can with habs. It must hit different receptors or something.
They are very different tasting than most chiles with a different type of heat too.

What part of the tongue/palate does the burn hit?

I am now mixing annuum (Orange Thai), chinense (Orange Hab), and frutescens (Tabasco) species for my pepper powder...I am wondering if mixing the baccatum and pubscens with the other species will give a more "rounded" burn....
i think there are several different kinds of capsaicinoids that peppers produce, one of which is capsaicin.
i grew all the black seeds in the peppermania mystery pack b/c i wanted to try some pubescens and didn't mind not knowing which kind. if i had more space i woulda planted the others, i like taking a chance here and there cuz you never know if you're gonna find your new fave.
Rocotos are probably best fresh although I've seen a lot smoked too. They have a sort of juicy flesh, hard to describe. I can't remember exactly how the burn hit but hot. This year I'm growing some orange Rocotos and some turbo pubes which are supposed to be quite prolific.
cheezydemon said:
Good to know Oh most knowledgeable one. I should search it, but locoto and manzano, are those good peppers?

Manzano is one of the primary culinary chiles in Mexico; they are the yellow apple-shaped chiles. Picture taken in a Mexican mercado. They are used a lot in salsa fresca.

Thanks for the picture Willard...they look enticing...
I haven't grown a lot of C. pubescens and only Rocotos. They are very different tasting than most chiles with a different type of heat too. Some people can't take the heat of these while they can with habs. It must hit different receptors or something.

I read somewhere that the heat of a Rocoto does affect some people differently. I'm one of those people. My sister made some Rocoto poppers once, and it just about killed me when I ate one. I did the bread and milk dance with tears and snot running down my face, then finally leaned over the sink and let the water run over my tongue for a few minutes.

Now, I don't eat the heat the way most of you do, but I make Caribbean Red, Devil's Tongue, and chocolate hab poppers all the time. They're plenty, plenty hot for me; but they don't make me cry or ooze mucus.