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soil Pot Upgrade and Potting Soil Question....

I have a few plants that are ready to go into bigger pots. I have been using the MG 6 month potting soil and have had a serious issue with spider mites and fungus gnats with the second bag I bought. My experience in growing peppers, let alone anything at all is still very very limited as I have only been doing this for a few months. It started off as one plant and now I'm an out of control addict haha.

My question is, what is a recommended blend of potting soil to purchase that will not only be good to grow my plants in but also something that will not infest my plants with critters that have given me nothing but grief. One last question, what are some good fert. to use? I have been using the Schultz 10-15-10 once every week. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

from what i've read, if you can find pro mix BX then that would be your best and only bet for really good results.
I can't find Pro Mix so I just make my own soil. Check out the post for soil as it contains several difference recipes to make your own soil. MG soil is crap, expecially the organic. it's easier to make your own.
If you think you can get by with only a 1.5 cf bag, then get Fox Farms Ocean Forest blend. About 20 bucks or so. ProMix is great and about 40 bucks, but its a huge 3.8 ft bale.
+1 on the Pro Mix and the Fox Farms stuff. And a BIG +1 on mixing your own. I have had absolutely AWESOME results from mixing my own.
But, as you will realize on here, everyone has different methods, and needs. What YOUR plants need may not be the same as what MY plants need in NC. Its the same with fertilizer. We all can make suggestions, but our suggestions may not be what works best for YOU.
Personally, I use my own mixed soil, and MG Bloom Booster every other week, and a mix of Epsom salt on the other weeks I dont us the Bloom Booster. My plants are 2 1/2 months, almost 3 months old, and my Naga's are producing flowers.
My best suggestions are take what the awesome people on here suggest, and see what works best for you.
Hope that didnt sound rude. That was my "serious" tone! lol
Im sure I can find Pro Mix somewhere here in the DFW area. Still trying to find a nursery around here where they not only have a wide selection of plants but planting materials as well. There is a Calloways just down the road that is mostly plants and limited on everything else. Anyone from the DFW area able to point me in the right direction?

Hot Popper: No worries, it wasn't rude at all. I completely understand what you're saying but my main objective was to get the ideas of what is working and do my own trail and error runs before finding that grove of my own.
I would say the main things that would be suggested are, IF you can get a hold of it, get the Pro Mix. I cant here in the mountains, so I tried the MG and Sta Green mixes. They work "OK" at best. Some people have good luck with those brands, and some even swear by them. I cant say, from experience, the Pro Mix is awesome. I CAN tell you that just about everyone on this site will tell you that IF you have it available, get it. I can order it, but with shipping, it will cost $100. Not gonna do it.
So, I tried making my own soil. I have had GREAT luck with it, as well as others have, Im sure. Its all about finding that "right mix" and just go with it. If you decide to go the route of making your own soil, just do a search, and you will get MORE than enough info on this site. This site is AWESOME!
As far as fertilizer...again, trial and error and what works best for you. Like I said earlier, I use the MG Bloom Booster. Im not a pro at this stuff yet, but I was told that it helps promote flowers to grow on your plants, which means more peppers. Then, on the alternating weeks, I use the Epsom salt stuff. I was told that it helps make the plants nice and green and healthy. Im not a scientist, and I cant break down what, and mainly HOW, all of this does what it does. All I know is that I am one BILLION percent happy with how my plants are. I couldnt be any happier.
Hope that helps!
Harvest Supply (for promix bx!!!)Should have FFOF too.
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