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Potted Pictures

Just thought I'd share some of my plants' progress passed harvests.

My Bhut Jolokia. He's been a prize all season long.

My Golden Habanero. He had it rough with Aphids and another bug but he's recovered nicely.

My Jamaican Chocolate has come out pretty. And I tasted one of the peppers today. It was wonderful.

And my surprise of the year is the way this Tasmanian Habanero grew. Advertised as short and bushy, it definitely grew differently. I like it!

My mixed variety patch here. They were spaced apart nicely, but that changed rather quickly.

But it's been a pretty good year so far! Only makes me more stoked for next year's fun.
Good looking stuff. Im partial to potted plants myself. Your plants look healthy. Keep it up.

On another note, I had aphids bad, and the NEEM concentrate helped, but did not cure. I happened to come across a product called AzaMax. Its organic as well, not oil based I dont think, but it is similar to NEEM as you will dilute it and spray it on the plant. Diffence is instead of irritatng the pests, or coating it in oil that they dont like or can get around, this has enzymes and such in it that actually break down the exoskeleton of the aphid/pest and pretty much fries their brain/instincts. And they dont have to eat the plant for this to work. Walking on it will absorb into their exo and start disentegrating them so to say. My aphid problem disappeared completely over night. Just thought it would be interesting to know.
Amazing bhuts !!! They look fat and full of fire :woohoo:

All of your plants look great, good work I hope you enjoy the harvests to come
Thanks everyone. Harvested a bunch of the bhuts today. Gonna dry a few and convince some "friends" to try the others :hell:
nice! I grew some chocolates this year (from seed that I bought from an online source...) and theyre a deep red ! .. I also got "white habs" that are a strong orange color....

Let me know how your chocolates mature!

thanks for sharing pics,.. love seeing them!

xo nicole
My Jamaican one is likely not the 'chocolate' it was supposed to be, but I love it all the same, lol. The pods came out a very bright red. They had a very cirtussy smell and lighter taste than expected. But certainly hot. I'm not a big fan of the habanero-type taste but the Tasmanian and Jamaican have become exceptions to that rule.
My bhuts are also very habanero like... damn unreliable seed slangers .. but the chocolates are a beautiful deep strong red color that i actually .. we have other chocos.. its all fun either way lol
Wow nicole that sounds like the "bhuts" I got from seedrack that ended up being caribbean red habs. I don't know whah chocs you are growing, but last year I grew Chocolate Habaneros and they never saw red anywhere during their growth.

Napalm All the plants look sweet, but the Taz is awesome. I have to try to grow that.
If it's from seedrack you should email them pictures of the plant and pods. They'll probably rectify your situation by sending you replacement seeds. Happened to another member and was also rectified.

If it's from seedrack you should email them pictures of the plant and pods. They'll probably rectify your situation by sending you replacement seeds. Happened to another member and was also rectified.


Okay, I will have to go back through my notes.. I have everything written down (some where) because I ordered from 2 companies for seeds and one place for seedings and have over 150 plants, but thanks for the advice, I will do this!