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Potting mix

So I will be going home this weekend and I have a lot of work to do repoting seedlings. I have multiple seedlings per cell in my seedstarter and want to seperate before they become tangled. Is miracle grow potting mix ideal for my babies or should I look at something else? I have the MG mix. All input is appreciated
Some say MG is good and other's avoid it like the plague. Personal preference, I guess...I have multiple seedlings in 13 of my solo cups and I'm just going to let them fight it out for supremecy :D
I would stay away from MG IMO! Atleast the potting mix! You can always try and compare! Alot of people like Promix, Fox Farms, Happy Frog,Hoffmans, etc.
If I wanted to get some of the other mentioned, can I get any of these at lowes or walmart?
I have multiples of the same plant so side by side might be fun.
I used to use MG, not really knowing any better and thinking it was adequate. Then I found that pro-mix is pretty popular around these parts, and I made the switch. I now use the Pro-mix HP and see significantly faster and healthier growth than the MG Organic I used for years. I personally would never go back to MG, but they are your plants, do as you wish.
hmm, I will have to try to find ProMix at Home Depot.. haven't seen anything other than the MG mix,

but LanMan, you can use the MG potting soil mix if that is all you have, that is what I used for most of my plants so far that are in solo cups, I will have a new mix for when I put them into 1 gallon containers, mainly because MG is too expensive to try to get them in 2 cubic foot bags.. which they don't have anything larger than the normal bags around here, at least nothing large until summer.. but anyways, at the very least add a lot of Perlite.. the more the better for the most part, if you want to use vermiculite, just make sure it is the course kind, not fine, I found that if it is 'fine" it will just soak up the water and make the soil really dense and not drain at all.. so once i finish using up the vermiculite I have around, I will just stick to soil with a compost mixed in, and about 30-50% Perlite, just make sure if feels light and airy I guess when you mix the soil around.. I also suggest wetting it a tiny bit just enough to get it moist so that when you water it the first time it doesn't sink down like crazy.. but not so that it is wet, just damp.. so you can keep it really loose still

I am also going to try some of the Mykos stuff from RTI once I get it in the mail friday and see how that goes.. hopefully that and the compost will help break down the bone meal I had in the soil.. .oh and also shredded pine bark has been talked about a lot lately and is good for aeration and other things (I haven't read into it too much but got the idea from Baker's Peppers and there are a bunch of people talking about it lately on here.. so I am going to give it a shot when I put the 60 plants into 1 gallon containers sometime early next week)

bottom line, just make sure it is lite and drains well and there are some nutrients in there (which potting soil usually comes with slow release in there anyways) you can always add fertilizer later if they need it
I agree with getting ProMix!!! MG has done nothing in the past but nute-burn my plants. I wont touch anything other than ProMix any more. It's pricey, but WELL worth it!
i use MG potting mix and MG moisture control
then mix them with perlite and my favorite black and red cinders and they doing all fine
look for kellog Patio Plus potting soil... that's what i been using to germinate and plant... just add perlite...