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water Potting Up & Watering Question

Have just potted up a number of pepper and mater varieties into 3.5x3.5x3.5 pots where they will await (growing big and strong, I hope) transplant to garden at end of May. Potted into a 30 to1 mixture of ProMix BX (30 parts) and Tomato Tone (1 part).

Have lightly watered in the plants.

How much water do I give them at this point. Obviously, the mix is bone dry. Do I water until it drips from the bottom of the pots? Do I bottom or top water, etc., etc.

Need all the advice you can give as I sure would like a high survival rate.

The are under the lights awaiting your answers as I type. :)

Thanks again!!!
I moisten up the soil well before potting up. You want to make sure the soil is moist all the way through.

Bottom watering is best, set the pots in to a tray with 3/8 to 1/2 inch of water for a few minutes.

The top may look dry but you want the roots reaching down for the water to make a good root ball.
I moisten up the soil well before potting up. You want to make sure the soil is moist all the way through.

Bottom watering is best, set the pots in to a tray with 3/8 to 1/2 inch of water for a few minutes.

The top may look dry but you want the roots reaching down for the water to make a good root ball.

What he said works for me too. It's all good my friend.
Bottom water like LC said..good idea. I also have a moisture meter I put in the pot when I repot sometimes and just water till im right in the "moist" zone.