Pre-Mixing MasterBlend

MasterBlend is a great nutrient for peppers. However, one of the drawbacks for me is that it is a pain to measure the individual components when mixing small amounts of nutrients - this process is time consuming and error prone.
Peter Stanley has a video where he pre-mixes the ingredients, but he creates a concentrate of each ingredient, rather than mixing them all together. At the end of the day, with this approach you still need to measure the 3 ingredients separately, so it doesn't save much IMO.
So I was thinking if it would be possible to make a concentrated solution with all 3 ingredients, and use this to make small batches of nutrients (say 1 or 2 gallons at a time). This would save a lot of time since we would only measure once. Has anybody done this (I can't possibly be the first one to think of this)? I wonder what the maximum concentration would be before you start getting sediment which would throw the solution out of whack. That is my main concern.
I don't have an answer for you HM but I'll be watching this for answers from those in the know.
I stopped weighing long ago.  I just use measuring spoons so that saves some time over weighing.  I found that if I'm fairly careful, every teaspoon weighs "about" the same.  My plants haven't been damaged because of my "about" the same measurements so Im happy.   
It really all depends on how much you're using, and how concentrated you want it to be. The solubility of each ingredient is different, especially combined. You might find that your concentrate isn't as concentrated as you'd like it to be before things start to precipitate out. 