• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pre Soak with "Spray n Grow"?

Has anyone pre soaked their seeds in Spray n Grow? If yes, any noticeable benefits?
Last year I used an overnight soak in warm water with good results but never satisfied so this year I'm trying a short bath in 3%Peroxide then an hour or two soak in tea prior to planting.
Yeah yeah I know.
I like to experiment.
You sound just like my wife, reminding me of how did I ever manage to grow  a great garden all these years without any special treatments.
Sure beats thinking about that it hasn't gone above freezing in like forever around here.
Hey, your buddy Tommy Edison has it right.
When I first started to grow food I thought that I needed the beast of everything soil, nutes, everything. Over the years I have found out that if I just plant it and water God will do his part and presto food....Just do what you have always done and put it in dirt and water it. I am a pro life gardener....I put 2-3 seeds per cell hoping one will germinate and when all 3 pop WOW....I plant a few hundred cells and when they all come up now I have 3-4 times then originally planned. Nothing more is needed other then time...
Time and  a lot of hot pepper fans! Thanks Brainstrain! 
I'm trying out one from Brain Strain land this season.