Preparing for next season?

So as I've mentioned a few times on THP this is my first season growing, and so far it's going pretty well!  I know next season is still pretty far off, but when is a good time to start getting things ready?  This year I bought all my plants from the store I work at, and I plan to OW at least 2 of them (probably the habenero and the hot cayenne), but I also wanna get some seeds (preferably some superhots) and start some plants from seeds.  I don't really have the funds/space for any kind of indoor setup at home that I could use during the winter months, so with that in mind when should I plan on getting started for next season?
how long are your days roughly in
march -may
months cause if you dont have light setups then its hard to say germinating will be easy still but you need the light
edit: my first year too, i have the lights so ill probly start mine in january
Balduvian said:
how long are your days roughly in
march -may
months cause if you dont have light setups then its hard to say germinating will be easy still but you need the light
january is roughly 9.5-10 hour days, march is about 11-12.5hrs, may is 14-15hrs
However it's also pretty cold until late march
check out some of the GLOGs and find someone in your region (i think stickman is) and see when they started and their setup. i myself overwintered last year and started chinense first of Jan and annums middle of Feb. next year i may wait a little longer on both next year and try to prevent them from becoming so root bound and cramped in my grow tent.
if you work at a home store than you may want to chat/befriend some of the electricians that come in. they frequently re-lamp buildings/offices and usually throw away more flouro fixtures and bulbs than all THP could use. i used two 2'x4' 4 bulb fixtures, which gave me a 2'x8' shelf to OW and start seeds. 
Pretty sure its six to eight weeks before your last expected frost date for the season.
heres a link that is for your city
not sure where you plan on starting seeds (inside or out) but im pretty sure if you start them outside it will need to be closer to the last frost date or even weeks after. I would suggest getting a light setup and start indoors. I have a 2 foot t5 light with 2 bulbs that gave me enough light for 8 plants in 5 inch pots
You can start some worm farms and some compost piles.  I am making several very large compost piles 4x4x4 that I plan to layer onto the garden in the late summer/early fall.  In the fall, I will also make new compost piles that I will once agian layer onto the garden... and so on.  So basically you can start preparing your own soil starting now.