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seeds Problem with my bolivian rainbow seedling

Hi everyone!
I planted a bolivian rainbow seed, it sprouted. then a new set of leaves grew. but here the problems started:
first the cotiledon started to dry from the tip to the stem... and fell.
and now my seedling seems stunted, it's been 2 weeks since I noticed any growing. I can see the new baby leaves forming but they are still small and they don't seem to grow.
then yesterday morning I woke up and the seedling was lying on the ground like if the stem just broke.
the seedling is still alive, I buried it a little deeper so it can stay upright.

any clue on what could cause that?
I'm growing in peat pellets
here's my pepper
right now the room stays at 68F but it had some temperature shift when the problem started but it has been a week since the last temperature shift :/


Damping off. Soil is too wet, also maybe not enough air circulation Is there are fan on it? Only water when the leaves start to droop. On the plus side, you still have time to start more seedlings
That one may live, but it looks pretty far gone. Your efforts are probably better spent sowing new seeds rather than spending a bunch of time on that one.

I'll end up with 50-60 plants ready for the garden this year. I probably started 100++ seeds, some didn't germinate, some succumbed to fungus gnats, and others died a quiet death like yours. It happens.

Keeping the soil dry-ish and keeping it wet enough for the seedlings can be a balancing act that you won't always win.
its too wet, and yeah, this seedling is gone.

re-sow and just leave it in the jiffy peat pot until it grows 3-4 true leaves the next time if overwatering is your problem. Peat pot dries out pretty fast.