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Problems with plants

This is a pic of my chocolate hab and I think it needs calcium but my other plants have yellow distorted new growth. There are no aphids or other pests I see. I gave a lot of miracle grow in the past 2 weeks to get them going. Twice in 2 weeks a week apart I hit with full strength 15-30-15. Could that be it? Also the plants haven't really dried out yet.
I had the same thing happen to my plants a month or two ago. They looked JUST like that. I popped off the REALLY bad looking leaves, and they took off. I also sprayed them with Spectracide,and fertilized them. I dont know if it was what I did, or just plain coincidence. We were getting a LOT of rain for about a month-and-a-half, and I just wrote it off as too much rain/water. Another member said that it could be the rain was too acidic for the plants. I dunno. I will tell you what...the seeds I bought, and the seeds YOU gave me are doing friggin' AWESOME!! Half of my plants have pods, and YOURS are popping out flowers all over the place. Dude, anything you need that I can give you, its yours.

I have a plant that looks very similar, it's a carribean red. I suspected overfertilization, but I'm a newb with a brown thumb so don't put any stock in that.
Looks like a calcium related issue. Have you given it a calcium suppliment such as bone meal?
I haven't given any calcium. I never have to my plants. I can buy bone meal but heard it takes a month at least to work. I can't find any cal mag or folical local. I might have to get a few logs and have a small bondfire for some ash.
Personally, I think the plant looks fine and the leaves will flatten out. I would not use bonemeal and would pull back on the fertilizer altogether. That looks like a relatively young plant still in the vegetative phase and you've hit it twice with 15-30-15. Now you'll use bonemeal which is probably 0-11-0 (adding even more phosphorous) and with 24% calcium. Too much calcium is just as bad as too little. Even Cal-Mag has only single digit calcium. (I think it is less than 4%). You're better off with a Tomato Tone or Garden Tone, which is a relatively low NPK, all around food with about 5% calcium. Sometimes less is more. Just my $.02