Problems with pods growing true

Im a first year grower so in all likely hood its something im doing to cause my problem.  Ive got a Devils Tongue and Red Fatali that's growing pods that are not true to form.  The Devils Tongue is producing about half of its pods to look like legit Devils Tongues.  The other half have a shape similar to a habanero.  The Red Fatali plant im growing is even worst only about 25-30% of the pods so far look like legit fatalis the other pods on the plant have a shape similar to habs.  You guys have any ideas what might be causing this?
I bought plants from a respected online site/grower so I don't think that's the problem.  I was wondering if it could be some sort of nutrient/fert. problem?
mpicante said:
Seeds are loaded with DNA.Perhaps your seed supplier/grower could explain this.
ok cool.  I just don't want to come across like im trying to bash anyone when its probably something I did as a newbie grower.
rlslmshdy said:
ok cool.  I just don't want to come across like im trying to bash anyone when its probably something I did as a newbie grower.
No worries.I whole heartedly believe that under less then ideal isolation attempts cross pollination is always a possibility.In your original post some pods look ok and some dont.I believe that cross pollination occured.If your pods are healthy than any conditionsin growing wouldnt cause different shapes in pods.