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seeds Promix Potting & Seedling Mix

Didnt find anywhere in here so thought I would start a new topic. This is the only ProMix I can find that is sold around here? Any thoughts? Good soil or crap?
I WISH Lowe's carried Pro Mix! Well, at least the one here. I actually ended up finding mine at a local feed & seed store. It was like $36 for a bale, but better than going 2 1/2 hours to Atlanta to get it!
My setup is very ghetto and I think I got my potting soil from Wally World or somewhere like that. Been doing pretty damn good so far...

That being said, (1) 8.2% beer is really good (2) inoculation with mycorrhizae = happy happy joy joy
I have been using MG moisture control and although I have heard don't use moisture control anything its been doing a very good job. My only reason for switching is because its a neutral pH soil and the Promix I got is a 5.5-6.5 ph soil
I CAN say that I am REALLY liking my Pro Mix. I seriously dont think I will be making my own this year. Yeah, its a little more expensive because of the ferts I am using (Fox Farm), but I am HOPING it will work out better. Last year my plants were HUGE. So, Im seriously debating the whole Fox Farm vs. MG thing. At $20 for a quart, I just dont know if its worth it. MG is like $5 for a box of it. (Not sure how much it makes. It HAS to be similar, or maybe even more.) Hell, Wal Mart even sells a cheap version that has the same mix in it for like $3.50. So I dunno about the FF stuff. Might just keep that for hydro ONLY. I also make a worm tea and use fish emulsion. Yeah, I think FF is sticking with hydro from now on...
imho, nothing else is the equal of ProMix. I've tried a lot of different combinations of ingredients, and ProMixBX blows them all away in terms of plant production. I think it's the mycorizae, since I've replicated all the other ingredients in my own mixes, to lesser effect. Also, ProMix is pH balanced, which is very necessary in a peat-based growing medium - otherwise you have to do that yourself. I find that ProMixBX plus a scoop or two of compost and a big scoop of TomatoTone is nearly all a pot needs to grow a pepper for the entire season. A few light fets at three week intervals, and presto, productive pepper plant.I would never go back to the alternatives such as MG potting soil, etc.
There probably 10,000 posts about Pro Mix on this board alone. Yes it's great stuff you get what you pay for, at $ 48.00 a bale here it.s a little high started to experiment with all kind of stuff," Miracle gro anything" is pure crap have used them all. 100% coir is the best i have found, for my area and weather. experiment on what works for you. there is no single answer for everyone. again please don't waste your money on anything monsanto has anything to do with.