food Pulled pork and home made BBQ

Decided to try my hand at home made BBQ sauce and pulled pork. Took about an 8 -9 lb pork shoulder and added a dryrub to it. Seared it off in a pan and put in a crockpot on the low setting.
For the BBQ sauce I made my own and developed this recipe on the fly.
3 med sized turnips
3 table spoons of garlic powder
3 tables spoons of onion powder
2 tablespoons salt
2 cans of stewed maters
1 teaspoon of liquid smoke
1.5 cups red wine vinegar
1.5 cups of unpacked light brown sugar
Was going to stop there but added some smoked powder I got from muskymojo
peeled, cut and cubed turnips and placed in water
brought to a boil and let boil till they were soft
added onion powder, garlic powder, salt
reduced heat and let simmer 15-20 mins
added tomatoes, and liguid smoke
let simmer 10 mins
added brown sugar, and red wine vinegar
let it simmer till I got the consistancy I wanted
added dried pepper powder
put in blender and miced as fine as possible
poured over pork roast in crockpot and let sit over night
the roast is till cooking overnight as I type this but wanted to post this up for anyone else that wants to try it. The smell of the sauce is throughtout the house and damn am I hungry now
Will post some pics here and in my glog when it is all said and done
Let the meat speak for itself, in the crock pot all day, it won't need a BBQ sauce, especially one with liquid smoke. It should be juicy and perfect w/o. Searing the rub into it was a neat idea, yeah pics.
So here are some pics.
First is before I pulled (it fell) apart

Sorry for the poor pic, was hungry, still had work to do in the gardens. Yes that is a bite taken out of it LOL

It cooked for about 9 hrs on low in the crockpot. I let it cool down and pulled it apart. Put it back in the crock pot and cooked it another 4-5 hrs. Was going to have it for dinner on Saturday but 2 of the kids were at their dads and they love pulled pork, so we waited. Turned it back on and let it cook another 5 hrs on Sunday.
Was delicious, the meat just melted in your mouth. Of that roast there is only enough for about 5 sandwichs left. My son had 6, yes 6 sandwichs LOL. My youngest that is very picky on what she eats, eat a small bowl and then wanted more.
Yes, turnips. I used it for a filler in the sauce. It doesnt impart any flavor into the sauce, it actuall takes on the other flavors.