Purple Jalapeño

This is my first year growing the purple jalapeño and my plants have quite a few peppers that are starting to ripen and develop nicely. Does the purple jalapeño turn red when ripe? I've read some posts that say it starts green, goes purple, and then turns red...but my peppers have been purple the entire time and show no signs of turning colors. I don't want to leave them on the plant too long so any advice would be great.

I can post a picture up in a few minutes once I get to my computer.

yeah mine last year went to dark green - purple - red, took like a month or more though for them to hit red after purple
They are one of my favorites for flavor once ripened fully red. They're fairly small and seedy, but IMO the flavor makes up for those factors. 
romy6 said:
 Mine went from purple to red . Keep in mind Jal's are some of the slowest peppers to ripen on the planet . 
Same goes for the Goat's Weed pepper.  It stays black for a very long time, eventually turning red but I must confess its brutal waiting for them to ripen. 
Growing the Purple Jalapeno also, glad I happened upon this thread so I know what I am in for. 
Last year all of my purple jalapeños started purple and stayed purple until I harvested them.  I might not have waited long enough for them to turn red but they were delicious and savoury.  They only have a hint of the heat of a regular jalapeño and can even be added to salads as an interesting accent.