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Purple Poblano


I dont have a pic but will get one likely by tomorrow. I have a pepper thats purple which I thought at first to be a purple bell, but the shape is just like that of a poblano. Its not as big as you would expect, but isnt lobed like a bell and instead comes to a point. I think those two types actually may be planted right beside each other if that helps. Has anyony ever heard of a purple poblano or is it even possible?

Also, whatever pepper it is I just need to know if it is time to pick it. It has been changed to purple for a week or two now but doesnt seem to be getting any bigger. I heard that home grown bell peppers arent as big as the ones in stores,(if it is a bell and it is about half that size) but I thought it might continue to grow. Time to pick or give it more time?

Again sorry there is no pic.
Old camera phone.


Just never seen a bell with a tip. The lobes are faint, if there are any at all. It came from one of those mixed bell packets from HD. Supposed to be mixed with Corno di Toro, Cali Wonder, Diamond, Golden Cali Wonder, Orange Sun,and Purple Beauty.

Not sure why they threw the Corno in there. Google image results for Purple Beauty still lookk like traditional bells, not like the one I have. Maybe it still needs to grow. Its just strange I have seen no growth for almost two weeks now.
That plant looks in trouble. Is it just the phone or do those leaves look as yellow and dry in person? If the plants not doing well, the pepper won't get any bigger.

Sometimes you just get mutant pods, even in bells. We've all had a pepper here and there that gre funky and not true to form (when we knew it was a certain type of plant)

If its been purple for two weeks, I'd pick it. It's not going to get any bigger and peppers like to rot from the inside out.

Harvest it, taste it, and if you like it, plant it out next year and see what happens!

Good luck man, let us know the results.
Bad old phone pic.

They are slightly yellow but nothing like in the picture. Just need to get some rain in this hot ass area of FL. If you have been following the radar you can see that all of the rain and moisture has been avoiding this area in a circle for the past week that FL has been getting rain in areas.

The soil mixture my girlfriend used in the garden doesnt help much either (75% top soil as mix). What was she thinking? :crazy:

Anyway it is her garden. I just happen to do all of the work. Keep my stuff in the pots.
Good guess. If it is I wonder why it was labeled otherwise. By the way the package was labelled "Sweet peeper mix" so that explains the Corno.

FYI: It was made by Burpee, 'nuff said.
Good guess. If it is I wonder why it was labeled otherwise. By the way the package was labelled "Sweet peeper mix" so that explains the Corno.

FYI: It was made by Burpee, 'nuff said.

i work for home depot and we selL that SWEET mix

IF IT BURPEE it says on the package it will say on the package "LILAC" in reference to LILAC BELL so i would say its a safe bet even with the Corno that is what it is
I grew this mix years ago

Elementary my dear Watson Elementary LOL

i hope this helps
thanks your friend Joe
No reference to lilac on the packet.

Did some searching and saw there are A LOT of different sweet pepper packets. Even for bells. Dont know.

Mine is just sweet mixture, not kaleidoscope or sweet carnival or anything. Anyway what are some taste and heat characteristics for lilac, in case thats what I do indeed have here?
No reference to lilac on the packet.

Did some searching and saw there are A LOT of different sweet pepper packets. Even for bells. Dont know.

Mine is just sweet mixture, not kaleidoscope or sweet carnival or anything. Anyway what are some taste and heat characteristics for lilac, in case thats what I do indeed have here?

does it say purple thats basiclly what lilac is

thanks your friend Joe