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Quad's First Pepper Porn


Ok, first a disclaimer...

I gave seeds to a friend who started these. So far, my efforts at starting from seed hasn't gone well, and his has. So he gave me a couple of plants back. Thanks Ross!!

Since I got them about 36hrs ago, I've gave 'em a shot of micronutes and lots of EcoGrow lighting and in one day they went from green to dark green and getting that nice purple tint to the stems. I suck at seed starting, but I know how to grow stuff once it comes up. :-)

I have two egg cartons of my own seeds waitig to see if they will come up..if not I'll say the hell wiht it and just get plants from my friend as all the types I've given him he's been able to grow.

I wonder of it's my building..it's old (1910), and not well kept..likely lots of mold, spores, etc. in these lathe & plaster walls and ceilings. Sprouted seed just die around here, but plants grow fine. Wierd.

I gotts say..these seeds from THSC are awesome..just beautiful mate.

The lights really throw off the WB sensor on the camera, thus the white areas... but here's da p0rn.

Two Fatali & Naga Morich

Morich Closeup

Fatali Closeup

I'll have to re-pot the fatali twins soon into their own spaces, but for now they are doing nicely.

Sorry for semi-crappy pics, but it's like 3am and I don't want to fiddle with the cam very much. :)


I got abotu 12 Bih, 8 fatali, and 5 orange & red habs as backups. ;)

Bih is just too tasty. Floral and habby with a sweet touch amost before it hits. :)

Then, may your god help you....there shall be pain.

Oh, if I find a hotter pepper than the Bih Jololika..it shall be grown anad/or eaten.

I been eating bits of Bih daily..still hurts, but Im getting used to it. After that, what is there, eh?
Happy looking little seedlings Quad...take care of those babies...
Well, I been exploding da peppers.
Check this growth in 3 days.


Comparison Pic

Ack, i reversed the dates on the pic..duh.

You get the idea. Left pic is with whole new set of leaves and much growing going on. :)

Told ya I can grow stuff.
Philipperv said:
I have a 7MP Pentax Optio M20 that i gott offa eBay for $60 last year. Gr8 camera but I just can't take pics worth a crap. Much better at video.

Well, I can't argue with hsi vid skills.... ;)
Well, I got a call today and now have some more babies. :-D

They need a little TLC, but I like a challenge.

The Dorset had a problem with a stuck seed cap, but seems to be recovering. The Bih and Choc. Hab got a bit fried and had some leaf loss, but have still have good stuff happening.




Now to just TLC 'em, and see where they grow.

Plus, there's the bonus of stressed plants ya know...these little ones outa be crazy hot. :twisted:

quad's friend

yeah, he gave me five different types of seeds, so he gets five different plants back to play with. I took all my babies outside in the sun for a half day, and they all fried a little. mine have all come back super strong, and Im sure the ones I gave to quad will as well.
I also am having success with red and yellow bells, jalapenos, yellow habs, thai red chilis, (seeds out of a bag from the oriental market), brandywine heirloom tomatoes, reg hot house tomatoes, and a 100 sun tomato. and a couple of potatoes and garlic. not to mention all the herbs. cilatro dill rosemary margoram, oregano, two types of basil, sage and parsley.

My dinning room table looks like a forest.
It's my understanding that a stressed plant only makes hot peppers that are actually there already. Unless that tiny thing has peppers on it, you are stressing it for nothing.

The plant "defends" it's fruit during hard times for obvious reasons... And it doesnt magically work forever once it's stressed. It only works WHILE it's stressed and if there aint no peppers there during that time, whats the point?

What I dont seem to understand is why some people think that abusing a seedling is going to somehow cause the plant's future fruit to be insanly hot.

If you ask me they are setting themselves up for a big disappointment.