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Question about Lower Leaf Growth and Trimming


This year, I have noticed that the plants that have leaves at the bottom of the stems are more prone to getting an aphid infestation than the other ones.

I have started (about the last three weeks) trimming the lower growth off the plants that either touch the soil or get wet when I water them...it seems to help by being able to see the top of the soil in the container when I am looking for ants and other critters...and I don't splash water up on the leaves either (hopefully decreasing the chance for soil born disease transfer)...

down side is it lets the sun hit the soil at least early morning and late evening increasing the evaporation....

anybody got any thoughts on this?
Use some mulch if you want to hold in moisture. I cut off a lot of useless bottom leaves too since I like to have good air-flow near the plant's base
I know you said yesterday you use pine mulch...is that what you would recommend...since my soil tested neutral ph...that would be a good choice? Pine Bark?
I've never used bark, but I use lots of sawdust and woodchips from my planers and saws. I used straw in the past but found lot of mold issues.
Have you checked the PH of your water AJ?
not yet...I am going to do that today when I get home from work...got to stop and get a kit...didn't think to get one yesterday when I got the soil test kit...

Have you considered red plastic? Some garden stores sell it. It has tiny holes to allow water to pass through it but helps maintain moisture. It is also suppose to reflect the red light spectrum back to the plant.

Thanks Mike...haven't considered it yet but will check into it..got my water ph kit and will test this afternoon when I get home...the guy at my local nursery said the water here is a little alkalynic (sp?)