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seeds Question about Orange Habanero Seedling

Hi all,

I had an orange habanero seedling germinate a few days ago, but it has not moved since. The stem has not grown longer and the leaves have not opened up. The seedling has a heat mat and a grow light above and I'm keeping the soil moist so I don't know why it would stop growing.

Is anyone else growing orange habs? How fast did your seedlings grow once they sprouted? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Thanks for any advice.
my orange habs took off pretty quickly. But sometimes after the hooks emerge on various peppers I could wait a few days for them to push themselves out. It just may need another day or two to start taking off. be patient and I'm sure it will work for you.
Chinense are slow. I have one O hab that sprouted the 5th, and it just started growing the first set of true leaves 2 or 3 days ago. If the cotydelons are stuck together try misting it - it might just be something "icky" that is causing that. I don't think it matters much for the plant, but it looks nicer;) Had that "problem" with some ornamental pumpkins I tested a while back to see if the seeds are viable.
I_love_peppers said:
Hi all,

I had an orange habanero seedling germinate a few days ago, but it has not moved since. The stem has not grown longer and the leaves have not opened up. The seedling has a heat mat and a grow light above and I'm keeping the soil moist so I don't know why it would stop growing.

Is anyone else growing orange habs? How fast did your seedlings grow once they sprouted? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Thanks for any advice.

Sounds like it could be damping off. Check the bottom of the stem to see if it turning brownish. Dont want to keep it too moist and put in some air circulation.
You may also want to post a picture which might help to diagnose it.
It may also be the type of soil your using per what POTAWIE said.
try 2 tablespoons of Hydrogen peroxide in your spray water 1 qt of water.works great for me.there's alot of info on the web on using peroxide in gardening.good luck. ps: i also use RO water for my seeds till i put them in the ground.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll get a picture up as soon as I can.

Potawie, to answer your questions, I'm using Miracle Gro potting soil mixed with a little bit of rabbit manure and vermiculite and I'm watering every three to four days to keep the soil moist.

I appreciate the help!
I_love_peppers said:
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll get a picture up as soon as I can.

Potawie, to answer your questions, I'm using Miracle Gro potting soil mixed with a little bit of rabbit manure and vermiculite and I'm watering every three to four days to keep the soil moist.

I appreciate the help!

Sounds to me that the mix your using might be a little too much for a young seedling. Rabbit manure might be too strong.
Is it regular miracle gro potting soil your using or a miracle grow germination mix?
Sorry for the lateness in my reply. HawaiiAl, thank you for the peroxide tip! Madhatter, it's regular miracle gro potting soil. I'm going to try watering my habs a little less and increase the air circulation as suggested.

Thanks again everyone!
madhatter said:
Sounds to me that the mix your using might be a little too much for a young seedling. Rabbit manure might be too strong.
Is it regular miracle gro potting soil your using or a miracle grow germination mix?

I was going to say that mix sounds pretty hot for a young seedling...