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Question About Potting Up

I just cant leave well enough alone, I have had this problem all my life. Anyways, I picked up 24 4x4x4 plastic pots yesterday and got to messing around after work tonight. I took 4 pots, filled each 3/4 full of miracle grow potting mix and then took 4 seedlings out of the BioDome sponges and placed one in each pot. The roots were long, but singular, no "hairs" off them yet. I poked a hole all the way to the bottom of the pot with a chopstick and gently placed the seedling into the hole, filling in around it softly as not to hurt it. Then I gave each a small drink, just enough to wet the soil on the top in about a 1 1/2" diamter around the seedlings.

The first hour they looked good, then then decided it was time for a nap and fell over. An hour later they are standing back up again. They are under a grow light, a little far from it for what seems to be the norm around here though, maybe 6" under the light.

Did I jump the gun? I did line the grow box walls with aluminum foil and it helped to brighten it up alot. Do they still need to be on the heating mat? The soil temp is 73 degrees on the surface.
i definitely avoid potting up before roots have formed...the stress may have been a lot for them. If they're back up then you're probably alright. I think you just stressed them a bit. I usually get a certain amount of drop from re-potting at any stage. Let them do their thing for a while and grow those roots and you'll be all good I'm sure.
The temp should be fine. How long since they sprouted? Never used the Biodome sponges, I use the nursery flats and fill with seed starting mix. I usually wait until after the first set of leaves have completely grown out and the second leaves are starting to form before potting up. This gives a good root system so the mix sticks to the roots and helps to prevent transplant shock. That is probably what happened to yours. Probably damaged some roots, or maybe not used to lower humidity if they have been under a dome. They may sulk for a bit, but should be ok if they are standing back up now. I would put the light closer though. I try to keep mine within 2 inches to keep the plants from getting leggy.

Good luck!
They sprouted on about the 4th of Jan. I have had the dome off for 3 days now, so they havent benn getting all the humidity they were getting before. I decided to take the dome off because all my seedlings had sprouted and they constantly had water beads in the crotch between the leaves. The 4 I transplanted today have their second sets of leaves starting, they arent big sets, but you can see them, thats why I chose these 4 seedlings. I still have 6 more Bhut's in the bio sponges still, so if these kick the bucket, no biggie.

I thought I would try taking them out of the sponges because I read on another site that someone who used the bio dome found sponges in the garden 2 seasons later, even though they are supposed to be biodegradable. I guess I will just have to see what happens :D :D :D
I think your problem was that you just gave them enough water to wet the soil on top while the roots on the bottom didn't get anything. Miracle-gro potting mix drains well so go ahead and give them a good drink of water. It'll not only wet the soil but It'll also settle the soil around the roots.

I try to keep my Fluorescent lights around 3 inches from the tops of my plants.

Matt50680 said:
The first hour they looked good, then then decided it was time for a nap and fell over. An hour later they are standing back up again.

Sounds like when i drink!! :rofl:
Sounds like transplant shock, try waiting for roots to be more developed before transplanting and personally I'd avoid miracle grow soil since its got a lot of nitrogen which isn't needed early on
They look ALOT better today. They are standing straight as arrows, green as can be and I swear they have grown! LOL I think they will be ok. Yeah I know Miracle Blow sucks, but it was all I had at the moment. I am going to get a better mix soon for when I pot up the rest of the peppers, something without all the damn twigs Miracle Blow puts in their bags. I will repot these 4 with better soil in a couple weeks, once the roots are in better shape.