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seeds Question for all those who have started seed already

I have a couple of questions since this will be my forst year growing peppers from seed.

I plan on using the t12 40w shoplights for light. I have two fixtures of these. And I plan on only planting out about 20 plants.
I am in NC and the charts all say zone 7a. The last frost dates are listed as middle to late April. So I plan on getting them out in the ground the first weekend in May.

1) How many weeks do you usually go from planting the seed to transplanting outside?
2) How large do your plants get before they go outside?
3) I guess what my real question is, will my lighting be enough for 12 weeks of indoor growth?

Thanks for all of your help.
snowmanaxp said:
1) How many weeks do you usually go from planting the seed to transplanting outside?

I started hardening off some of mine last year at 8 weeks and the others were 12 weeks

snowmanaxp said:
2) How large do your plants get before they go outside?

The chinense were about 8-10" tall and the Annuums were about 14-16" tall

snowmanaxp said:
3) I guess what my real question is, will my lighting be enough for 12 weeks of indoor growth?

Question back atcha....how many plants and how much area will the lighting be tring to cover...I have 2 shoplights (T-12-40 watt) for an area 16" wide and 4 feet long...using 6500K bulbs...this worked well for me last year...
AlabamaJack said:
Question back atcha....how many plants and how much area will the lighting be tring to cover...I have 2 shoplights (T-12-40 watt) for an area 16" wide and 4 feet long...using 6500K bulbs...this worked well for me last year...

I've got the two lights over a 1' x 4' shelf. Plenty of height if I need it.
I will be planting about 20 plants.
IMO, those should provide plenty of light for the seedlings...keep a keen eye out for the nasties (aphids/spider mites) since they are drawn by nitrogen and light.
Your lights are fine, that's what I use, but remember to include a week or ten days of hardening off in your calculations.