Have any of you started seeds in a hydro system and then transplanted into dirt? The plants will eventually be put in the ground, not pots.
The reason I ask, is that it stays pretty cool here up until about Mother's day and starting seeds outdoors takes way too long. I have access (Mother-in-law) to a compact, counter top "indoor herb garden" type thing...don't ask me the brand... and I've seen the results with herbs, but they stayed in that vessel and weren't transplanted. Amazing results and really quick growth.
Another reason is, even though I have a crazy amount of windows in my house, none of them really get any direct light through them in the winter...South facing house, most of the windows are on the North side.
Since I'm going to need a plethora of peppers this coming year any help would be greatly appreciated.
---and no, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to the hydro threads.
The reason I ask, is that it stays pretty cool here up until about Mother's day and starting seeds outdoors takes way too long. I have access (Mother-in-law) to a compact, counter top "indoor herb garden" type thing...don't ask me the brand... and I've seen the results with herbs, but they stayed in that vessel and weren't transplanted. Amazing results and really quick growth.
Another reason is, even though I have a crazy amount of windows in my house, none of them really get any direct light through them in the winter...South facing house, most of the windows are on the North side.
Since I'm going to need a plethora of peppers this coming year any help would be greatly appreciated.
---and no, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to the hydro threads.