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Question for the people who review stuff on cam

How long does it take to feel your groove talking to a camera?
I just went to the store and picked up a plain jane orange hab to get a baseline and a feel for it, I felt like a knucklehead talking to my camera and probably look like a total fool.
Heh, all depends I guess..

I've done plays and been onstage in period costume waltzing in front of like 900 people...most of whom I knew...before. So, being anon fool on the Interwebs ain't no biggie.

Just be yourself, be honest, relax, have fun, and emote to the camera like someone IS there...cus they will be. Hava dialog, ya know? It's just like being on a webcam with friends...'cept is just ppl you haven't met yet.

Jus do yer 'thang. :D
QuadShotz said:
Heh, all depends I guess..

I've done plays and been onstage in period costume waltzing in front of like 900 people...most of whom I knew...before. So, being anon fool on the Interwebs ain't no biggie.

Just be yourself, be honest, relax, have fun, and emote to the camera like someone IS there...cus they will be. Hava dialog, ya know? It's just like being on a webcam with friends...'cept is just ppl you haven't met yet.

Jus do yer 'thang. :D

Ah, I'm one of those ones who never did a play or music or any of that stuff, and the times in college when I had to give presentations I was usually just a wee bit stoned.
Work stuff, though... I give classes and talks to people at work, but they're my co-workers, so I think I see what you mean.

I'll probably post the vid that I did anyway. This is one group I really don't mind making an ass of myself in front of. Even though I've not yet met anyone face to face, you're all my mates, so it's all good.
Ya man, tis all good.

Just do yer best and be honest..that's all anyone can ask eh?

Think of it this way...there's only a few people on the planet doing REAL honest chilehead vids...not the ZOMGLOLZWTFBBQ!!1 kind... And, you can be one of 'em. :)

I'm no Neil, but I do try. Like him, I don't freak out, and never drink a thing until afterwards....that's the thing...we can take it. Most ppl out there can't and they know it so we get their respect.

There are 9999999 "JoeBob failz at habz" vids out there, the difference is, us chileheads can show taht ther are actually peopel who eat stoopidly hot chit because we want to. As well as wanting to educate the public about the REAL hot stuff, and that's it's nto jut for dares or pranks.

Yes, there are assholes on YT who'd 'prolly make fun of their own gramma falling down the stairs, but that's life eh? Don't let 'em buzzkill ya.
You could always pick up something with a little less heat. Say cayennes or something and do several takes to work out a rhythm. Either way I am sure in no time you will be doing some nice vids.
True...start at whatever level is good for you.

Nobody is making ya do anything, so just do what YOU want to do. :)
I too have thought about this.... and came to decision I would rather watch people, than be that person. I would feel like knuckle head too;)

BUT - I have planed a chilli trip end of next year, chaseing chilli through india... And my plan was to film the firey adventure (amature style by the wife)... Eating my way around the country... and the trials and tribulations of the hottest curries and pods i can find.... :) Just for laughs.....
I want to watch that one Chilliman but one favor. You take the camera every now and then and have the wife eat something. We'll need something pretty to look at after watching you.:P

Skydiver, make a couple of videos and then watch them. See the things you do that work and the things that don't. You'll catch all the extra umms and uhs and nervous tics then you can work on improving. Go easy though, we are our own harshest critic. Good luck!
Hey Skydiver, I did the same thing with my first Hab the other night. I've been going back and forth over posting it. I've watched it far too many times over the past couple of days and as of reading your post I think I've over-analyzed it. My family and friends are good with it so maybe I should be too. And perhaps you as well. I think our family and friends here at THP would really enjoy our vids. Sooooo......I'm upping it now.

Here it is:
Captain Murphy said:
Hey Skydiver, I did the same thing with my first Hab the other night. I've been going back and forth over posting it. I've watched it far too many times over the past couple of days and as of reading your post I think I've over-analyzed it. My family and friends are good with it so maybe I should be too. And perhaps you as well. I think our family and friend here at THP would really enjoy our vids. Sooooo......I'm upping it now.

Yeah man, do it up. My vid is down a few threads under "watch it for the lulz".

Feels good after you hit that submit reply button.

Congrats man!!!

Nicely done.
Skydiver said:
I felt like a knucklehead talking to my camera and probably look like a total fool.

Maybe have someone sitting next to the camera and talk to them? I dunno. I prefer being on the other side of a camera myself.