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Question on what kind of peppers these are

I ordered Chocolate Bhutlah seeds and this is what grew. Any input would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't look like what I thought it should and what i've seen. I am a first year grower. Thank you!


  • pepper 3.jpg
    pepper 3.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 94
  • pepper 2.jpg
    pepper 2.jpg
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Thanks for the input, I bought the seeds last year in October and started them November 13th. Luckily I kept all the records of who I purchased through. I don't think there was any malicious intent, I just want to know what happened.lol
When writing mathematical proofs, one of the methods that is relied upon, is the notion that it's often easier to prove what's "not" than what "is". (which is genius in its simple elegance)
In this case, once you know what's "not", what "is", becomes irrelevant.  And if you like the pepper, keep it growing...
Short of DNA testing, it's probably fairly impossible to know what that thing is.
Smokin Hot: It was unbelievable hot. It hurt like a searing frying pan on the back of my throat and made me decongest for about a half hour lol