Quick question?

wanting to make mariachi and jalapeno poppers with cream chz baked in the oven any one have any advice or tips for me on cooking with the cream cheese never tried it this way any help appreciated will do hotter peppers soon!:hell:
with no adice or tips these were the sheet. soo daNMN good i swear if yoy never tried cream cheesee fresh at home damn youR HAve never lived.

You done just fine without us muckin' it up for ya' Nate. You got all the goodness goin' on. Appears that alcohol was a factor. Do you need a bail bondsman or divorce lawyer?

Salute', TB.
as bad as the pics were, the poppers still look good. I've made poppers with cream cheese before & they taste good!
I wouldnt flaunt the natural ice beer, IGG might start craving it :lol: