Quick questions about young Chocolate Bhutlah and Bhut Jolokia

So the Chocolate Bhutlah first.  When I got these plants the lower branches were clipped off before shipping.  I assume there's a good reason for that.  Right after the last watering 3 days ago the old nodes where the branches used to be developed new leaves very rapidly.  There hasn't been any visible development of the upper foliage during this time.  My concern is that is this new set of rapid leafing healthy for the growth of the plant?  Should I let them continue growing or clip them to allow the plant to grow up and develop the existing upper foliage?

Second, this brown spot started developing about a week ago.  Doesn't appear to be getting any bigger.  I did accidentally use 5-1-1 fish fertilizer twice in a row the previous 2 times I watered, think it's just overfertilizing?

Onto the Carolina Reaper (yes I accidentally put Bhut Jolokia in the title, but I can't change it.  Whoops.).  A couple of the top leaves turned really dark green and very bumpy, more than I see on pictures of other healthy Reapers.  The rest haven't done this but it's hard to tell in the picture.  Nutrition deficiency?  Lighting deficiency?

Thanks in advance for any input!
I would just pull that off.The fish fertilizer 5-1-1 is that alaska?I'd leave it alone for now.Quick question where did you get the ch.bhutlah?on the are you using anything else?
Plants look pretty healthy. That one leaf, I would pull off. It looks like it's trying to get rid of it anyway. As far as the under growth goes. I would leave it alone. That plant will grow into its shoes and be a beautiful bush. Don't over do it on babying them. I know it's hard but some times just leave them alone. Like kids! LOL. I read your post on soil mix. Didn't know if you added bone meal to your mix or not. The only thing you might have to add when needed is calcium, and lite ferts, depending on what's in your soil now. Don't over do it on the fertilizer. I've made that mistake once or twice.

Good luck
mpicante said:
I would just pull that off.The fish fertilizer 5-1-1 is that alaska?I'd leave it alone for now.Quick question where did you get the ch.bhutlah?on the are you using anything else?
Right, Alaska 5-1-1 fish fert.  Accidentally used it for 2 waterings in a row at 2tbsp/gallon.  The browning started right after that.  Used plain water the next time.
Got the bhutlah from http://crazyhotseeds.com
UncleGiggles said:
Right, Alaska 5-1-1 fish fert.  Accidentally used it for 2 waterings in a row at 2tbsp/gallon.  The browning started right after that.  Used plain water the next time.
Got the bhutlah from http://crazyhotseeds.com
I don't think it's the Alaska 5-1-1 I use that for seedlings along with their liquid seaweed never had that happen,not yet at least.
I would have gone at no more than 1 tbsp/gallon of the 5-1-1 fish ferts, not least because I keep the seedlings in the apartment and the fiance would kill me for stinking up the place ;)
suchen said:
I would have gone at no more than 1 tbsp/gallon of the 5-1-1 fish ferts, not least because I keep the seedlings in the apartment and the fiance would kill me for stinking up the place ;)
You're right, the stuff is pretty vile smelling.  Instructions said 2tbsp/gal but I'll try taking it down to 1.
If it worked for mpicante, I am sure it will work for you. I just do things differently. Once they get their 2nd or 3rd set I transfer to solo cups with Promix that has already been amended with mushroom compost, Black Hen, Tomato Tone, Garden Lime, and a few other goodies so they don't need the additional fertilizer for a few months.
Honestly if you let them be and just water with regular water for the next two or three weeks they should take right off :party: Make sure you are only watering when the soil is nearly dry. Feel how heavy the pot is after watering. Then 5+ days later when you stick your finger deep in the soil and it comes out almost dry feel the weight again so you know when to water in the future.
Just let them grow. Only cut off the leaf with the brown spot, or even just cut the bad leaf in half to get rid of the dead bit and leave the rest of it.
the new growth looks fine so I would not worry.