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Rain and planting out

Ok, so i live in 7b. This is my second year growing. The plan was to plant out right around Mother's Day but my busy work schedule and the frequent rain have conspired to prevent this. I had planned to plant out today "no matter what," but it is likely to rain this afternoon, and it is sure to rain overnight and most likely during the day tomorrow.

We had a similar weather situation last year. I was entirely panic stricken and i postponed everything due to the rain. Took too long to harden plants off, took too long to get them in the ground... The delays really set my grow back a lot. Once i did plant them, the rain took its toll on some leaves, but all plants survived save one, and eventually produced pods.i swore I'd never repeat that mistake, but we've seen even more rain this May as compared to last...

Should i just bite the bullet and put these things in the ground today? If not all of them, some of them? I feel like I'm squandering opportunities over here...
It's been light rain and cloudy for the last week here and besides the nights being a little cold, they seem to be liking it. I'm hoping when it gets sunny again they'll explode with growth. I'd say as long as your planters or wherever you're planting them has good drainage then go for it. Take advantage of the free water while you can.