Re-potted - and things aren't going well

I have several Reaper plants that were doing quite well.  I left them alone (save for the occasional fish emulsion), and they produced a lot of good looking (and superhot) peppers.
The leaves began to yellow and the peppers were fewer and fewer, so I planned on cutting back the yellow leaves and dead-looking stalks, and re-potting them into larger pots with fresh, brand-new dirt.  When I went to lift the pots a week ago, I found that the roots had grown out of the pots and into the ground.  I did the best I could to not damage the roots when I pulled them up, but some damage was done.
Intending to remove the dead/damaged areas and to eliminate pests (like white flies, which are common in my area), I cut the plants back leaving a few good/decent leaves, and washed the plants thoroughly before putting them in the new soil/pots.  While I anticipated a slow rebound in the new pots (given that the roots had to recover and start uptaking nutrients), I didn't anticipate these deformed/curled leaves.




The picture with the tiny leaves is an example of the new growth that's taken place over the last week.
In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have washed the roots.  I'm hoping that the roots will recover from that with the passage of time, and that the plants will thrive.
However, I have seen broad mite damage photos on this site, and it's possible that the stiff, curled leaves on my plants could be attributable to broad mites.  With that in mind, I don't want to twiddle my thumbs waiting for the plants to recover, if I should be doing something to combat a pest.
If anyone has some insight, I'd appreciate it... much obliged.  CC
I would agree with your diagnosis of broad mites.
Apply a strong lime sulphur spray and they should be ok
I have had a hell of a time with them this season untill I was told to spray with lime things are finally coming good.
I think stripping / washing the roots can be problematic.  Soil covering and clinging to the root's root ball keeps the plant healthy.  Don't know about broad mites, but you shook the plant up pretty good washing the goodies off the roots for sure.  Hope they can recover for you.
not much you can actually do about it other than distroy and start from  seed
check the trunk for old eggs- microscope if you can be sure before you do anything