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Ready to Be Topped or Prunned?

not everyone tops or prunes, i try to find a different space for them if they are growing faster than their siblings.
That being said, the occasional plant gets damaged, or its neck broke and head lopped off whatever (stuff happens) and they bounce back with more new growth soon enough. 
someone here with more experience intentionally Topping or FIMing would be better at answering your question :)
For what it's worth I have seen multiple people top them at that size/age on Youtube. I don't top my pepper plants (maybe I will one day).
Let that little joker ride!!!!!!!
When it comes to topping I'll do it after the plant Y's.  
But that thing is still a baby let it learn how to stand first.
     The benefits of topping pepper plants is debatable. I think it sets them back and produces a plant with weak structure that is more susceptible to foliar disease. Either way, if you are going to top it let it grow a while longer so its roots get a chance to store some energy before you take away its supply. There's no reason to inflict that much shock on such a young plant.
They look good, I'd say let them go as it, or top them to experiment. I guess I really have no advice for you either way :)
when I looked at the pics before reading your post (I tend to do that), I did think to myself - those look good, leave them alone.
Thanks for the replies, I am new to this,my first try growing them.I figured I still had a ways to go and I should have really asked if should top or prune these yet if at all.
Enjoy growing!
My real advice - grow the easy way the first year, just to make sure you get a yield. But playing and experimenting are encouraged.
Sometimes I throw in a few more plants just for this purpose.