chinense Reaper-cussions

Reaper day was yesterday, Monday, for both myself and Megahot. We both suffered with bad stomach issues; I had far, far fewer cramps than he did, but I did have unpleasant stomach pain for 4+ hours. It went away, but my stomach still wasn`t quite right even when I woke up this morning. 
Still, today`s a new day and the hot peppers I have aren`t going to review themselves  :crazy:
Today was Antilles Fire day. Great pepper, absolutely loved it. However, here I am about 4 -5 hours after eating it and I now have the same stomach pain I had with the Reaper. Until I ate the Reaper I hadn`t had this type of feeling before and I have no doubt that today`s stomach pain has nothing to do with the Antilles Fire and everything to do with lasting effects of eating a Reaper. 
It`s both interesting and unpleasant all at the same time.
Anyone else willing to fess up? How did the Reaper affect your stomach?
Reaper day was yesterday, Monday, for both myself and Megahot. We both suffered with bad stomach issues; I had far, far fewer cramps than he did, but I did have unpleasant stomach pain for 4+ hours. It went away, but my stomach still wasn`t quite right even when I woke up this morning. 
Still, today`s a new day and the hot peppers I have aren`t going to review themselves  :crazy:
Today was Antilles Fire day. Great pepper, absolutely loved it. However, here I am about 4 -5 hours after eating it and I now have the same stomach pain I had with the Reaper. Until I ate the Reaper I hadn`t had this type of feeling before and I have no doubt that today`s stomach pain has nothing to do with the Antilles Fire and everything to do with lasting effects of eating a Reaper. 
It`s both interesting and unpleasant all at the same time.
Anyone else willing to fess up? How did the Reaper affect your stomach?
I'm not so proud that I wouldn't fess up. My stomach didn't feel all that great after eating about half a reaper (and some Douglah). Haven't tried a whole one and nothing else which messes up the results. The next day after doing a bunch of reaper still had me queasy a bit until the afternoon. I haven't had extreme stomach cramps though, but I'm not going out and eating 2 or 3 of these things in a sitting like some people do. Tom
Yeah man you have been sucking down the pods. I'd figure your gut is jacked from that along with that reaper! You got some awesome skills brother!
Lol.. and there could possibly be another destroyer or two in that little box of yours.
Ate 1 and 1/2 on crackers with a creamy spread.
Just fine for a couple hours, but when it entered the lower GI, it wanted out---like NOW!
Ate the other half the next day with no issues other than those expected---leaking from every pore and facial orifices.
But then, I eat something hot at least once a day, and have been "testing" peppers from the garden.
I treat them as an ingredient, condiment, and/or snack---not as a main course.
Hello Nigel, I'm still feeling the after affects of the Reaper. My stomach still feels sore, I too have other pods waiting to review. I'm going to give it another day or two and see how it feels then. I would love to move on to my other pod reviews but the long lasting affects of the Reaper doesn't make it an easy choice! We will see how things go! I hope we both recover quickly! :scared: