Reaper flowering cycle ?

hello !
I have a Carolina Reaper (well, seeds sold as such) and she has 2 nice pods one of which has started turning yellow. The plant also lost some 10 or 20 flowers, I guess because they weren't fertilized (growing indoor -- will not let that happen again).
However there's no sign at all of any new flowers. Do they appear periodically, with pauses in between ? Can anything be done to stimulate flowering ?
I would not recommend changing nutrients for a plant to flower. Your plant will probably experience heavy growth right now. Just nurture your plant. Your plant knows best when it wants to flower. Typically my plants get two harvests. One in mid/early summer, and one during late fall.
The 2 pods I have are this shape -- not very like Reaper pod images I've seen but they sure do look dangerous  :drooling:
