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Reaper Squeezins XXX

Tried Puckerbutt Pepper Companies Reaper Squeezins XXX today.  I thought that it had pretty good flavor, given that it is only peppers and vinegar.  However, I have to say I was somewhat disappointed in the heat level.  Somewhere along the way people like Ted Barrus were saying that it was something like 5 million SHU.  I was doubtful of this given that reapers aren't that hot, but who knows you could add a bunch of pepper powder or maybe even powder placenta or something to crank up the heat and still maintain "pepper" as the main ingredient.  Anyway, I thought it was hot but in comparison I thought it was only slightly hotter than Pex Peppers Killer Swarm.  I will say the heat lingers a lot longer, but doesn't really build too bad.  Anyway, at $7-$10 price point I'd buy this sauce all the time as I really like the taste of reapers and you definitely get that taste...however at the $45 price point I would not really consider buying it again.  I also got some of their reaper peanut butter cups and they were really good.  Nothing you brag to your friends about being able to eat, but definitely tasty with a really nice heat profile.

In fact a co-worker of mine, who must have a gut of steel, ate 3 heaping plastic spoonfuls(within 40secs) of the Squeezins on an empty stomach and took it like a champ.  He is considering downing a whole bottle as a recorded challange, which might convince me to at least chip in on another bottle.