Red Brain Strains from Baker's


So, I finally got my SFRB of brain strains from Baker's. The box contained 29 good peppers ranging from very small to large and 4 questionable ones which I threw away. So, I suppose that's not too bad. I don't plan to order from him again anytime soon considering his reputation.
Now on too the peppers. I received them yesterday and immediately ate two. Now, my only previous experience with his peppers was eating a chocolate scorpion, and it kicked my ass. The brain strains also kicked my ass. Good taste, but horrible aftermath. Overall, though, I'm not disappointed the product. In fact, I might eat one after I post this.
Earlier today I ate a very small Moruga from Dale provided by a friend.
Yeah, I think I'm going to go eat a small one. I'll follow up if possible :hell: .
Warm regards,
what he is saying is the vendors vault is the place to add your comments about a particular vendor, and i believe there are about 15 pages of comments on dale aka bakers peppers some good some bad and not to quote forest gumpbut "that is all I have to say about that"