chinense Red Hab and Scotch Bonnet Burn Profiles

I am trying to provide direction to my co-packer about modifications to the heat level of my sauce.  I increased the heat 10% on my last test batch but it is now a little hotter than I want.  The main heat is on the tongue.  The sauce is a mix of red habs and scotch bonnets.  Does anyone know which pepper is the one causing the tongue burn?  If I remember from my summer grow the scotch bonnet was more in the back of the throat, so I think it's the red hab I want to reduce.  Thanks in advance.
PepperDaddy said:
I am trying to provide direction to my co-packer about modifications to the heat level of my sauce.  I increased the heat 10% on my last test batch but it is now a little hotter than I want.  The main heat is on the tongue.  The sauce is a mix of red habs and scotch bonnets.  Does anyone know which pepper is the one causing the tongue burn?  If I remember from my summer grow the scotch bonnet was more in the back of the throat, so I think it's the red hab I want to reduce.  Thanks in advance.
either of them could possibly,  but my money is on the Bonnet, i have eaten them before and that sounds so like them, habs tend to hit back of the throat for me bonnets, i would say its the scotch bonnets also thee a bit hotter than a red hab so the sauce would elavate in heat
just my humble opinion(for what its worth)
thanks your friend Joe