chinense Red Moruga Scorpion Pod Test

This one was HOT!  It started with an instant burn in my mouth that kept building for a long time.  It a had a wonderful fruity, sweet flavor.

Natalie sat in with me and did her very first pepper review!  She reviewed a Jimmy Nardelo.

My rating:
Heat - 9.5
Flavor - 9
Nice review indeed!
Those are very hot pods. I think people tend to forget just how damn hot they are. I still think Brain Strains are hotter, but that`s the difference between your taste buds/heat receptors and mine. 
buddy said:
great reviews!  especially the nardello - you must be very proud!
Thanks Terry!
Nigel said:
Nice review indeed!
Those are very hot pods. I think people tend to forget just how damn hot they are. I still think Brain Strains are hotter, but that`s the difference between your taste buds/heat receptors and mine. 
I agree Nigel.  It seems with all of the new varieties surfacing, the Moruga Scorpions have been pushed to the back of everyone's mind.  But they indeed are still a pepper that can hold their own with the new guys!
Dot Com said:
nice double review. ;) You growing that plant in the ground, in a pot or hydro?
Thanks!  I'm growing them in 5 gallons root pouches with my own potting mix blend.  I give them bi-weekly AACT applications, and I fertilize them once a week with a high nitrogen fertilizer (I have to do this because I mixed in pine bark fines, which were supposed to be well composted but apparently not enough, into  my mix which has been robbing the plants of nitrogen).