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Red Savina Flowers

Most of the flowers on the peppers I grow have dark colored stamens which then get covered in pollen... except for one, the Red Savina. The stamens on this plant seem to be all white, even before the appearance of pollen.

Have you grown the Red Savina and noticed this too?

Here's a pic:
No the Red Savinas I grew last year had blooms that looked like other habs and chinense I've grown previously. Mine looked sort of like the following, IIRC but this pic is of someone else's Red Savina Hab.

HOT, I don't know the answer to your question, but what I do know is that you have a damn fine camera.

Now I'm curious whether it's even Red Savina... will find out soon enough. Has anyone had plants of any kind with flowers like this?
I didn't get the chance to check today...kind of a weird situation. I was exposing my peppers to drought conditions for a week now...was finally gonna water them tonight...half of them colapsed...then it started raining. Rather chaotic...but 'll check in the morning.
BAH!!! Forgot to check today! I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell to do with a caribbean red plant that had so many huge pods on it...it splayed out like a dog trying to run across a sheet of ice. I finally took bailing twine, and wrapped it around twice to pull all the branches up. Knocked off about 20 pods...
Mine look like Dave2000's...dark stamen. But...I'm also told mine are probably a cross down the line...even though they look, taste, and have the heat of a savina. Who knows!