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Red Scorpion not popping

I started 17 varieties from Pepperlover on Jan 22. Everything has germinated and is growing good except for the red scorps. Actually, 8 of 14 of them srpouted roots using the paper towel method, but haven't done anything since. The other 16 varieties are all up (including Morouga Blend and Yellow Scorp) and the first true leaves are starting to come out. I carefully dug around in some of the red scorp cells today and they look exactly like they did when I put them there. The seeds don't look rotten or moldy or anything. Everything else had VERY good germ rates. I'm hoping they are just slow but I started some more seeds in paper towels today. Is anyone else having similar problems?

p.s. I'm definately NOT knocking Pepperlover. She was more than generous! And like I said, everything else is growing great. :)
I planted a bunch of them myself and am getting fair results after 9-10 days...you have to look hard but there are a bunch of little plants there...

hi mojo the red scorpions need longer time, if you like i will send you more and try them direct to the dirt.

That is very nice of you, but I still have some seeds. I will try some sowed directly in dirt and see what happens. If you don't recognize my order, it's because I split the order with a friend (jbeer32) and it was shipped to his house. Thanks again! :cool:
I received some red scorps from Judy and sowed them directly into soil with 100% germination rate. I used 50% coir and 50% seedless potting soil and they've all done pretty well so far. They do like it warm, mine came up in about 7 days time. The yellow 7pods came up first for me followed by some orange habs. I found the brown Bhuts to be the slowest taking 2 weeks time to start poking up.