fertilizer removing fertilizer from soil

I think my flowers dropped because of too much fertilizer,
is there anyway to get the fertilizer out of the soil/pot ?
If it's in a pot, you can put the whole pot into a tub of water and let it sit for several hours to leach the fertilizer out. Or you might consider gently taking the plant out of the pot and brushing and washing away most of the old potting soil, then repotting.

Either way you're going to shock the plant a bit, so be prepared to lose more blossoms.
cheezydemon said:
Also most fertilizers(non organic) are not meant to be applied to chiles that will be ingested any time soon.

Why not? There are plenty of non-organic fertilizers on the market that are listed for vegetables.
lenny - you could also just soak/water the pot a couple times until water comes out of the bottom, to help get rid of the extra fertilizer. but like pam said most likely it'll shock the plant somewhat.

as for willard3 quote
// It's worth repeating here that chiles are mostly wild plants and require very little fertilizer of any kind.//

well isnt every plant we grow or eat a wild or native plant from somewhere ? except for those crossbreeds which in fact are still somewhat a wild natural plant since they were crossed with some other strain.
I've never heard of a plant being formed from a testtube :lol: so IMO all are wild/native plants.

as for the non-organic fertilzers, I side with pam on this since if it wasnt safe to eat the produce from plants when the plant was recently fertilized with a non organic fert. there'd be lawsuits everywhere & people dropping dead if it wasnt safe.
my understanding is the organic fertilizers wont burn/shock the plant or not as much vs the non organic kinds.

but still both kinds are safe to use for plants that produce edible food.
Easiest way to clear the soil is to run distilled water through the soil 2 or 3 times (top water it). I would do this in the morning so the soil in the top of the pot could dry a little and not cause any problems. That would be the least shocking to the plant.