Replace solo cups with???

Wife went nuts on my multi year ever expanding solo cup collection.  I am so cheap, I even repair the things when they split.  Anyway, she decided saving solo cups is nuts so she tossed them after I planted out last year. So going to make the plunge and by those cheap plastic things from Green House Mega Store.  Question is, what size would be an appropriate replacement.  Thinking three by three.
Your thoughts???
I use the 4x4s and I am very happy with them. I did not like the solo cups, do I switched a couple of years ago.
Solo cups work.  But if I have to buy all new, why go threw the trouble of drilling holes in the damn things when that blown plastic stuff is so cheap?  I see 21 cents a piece at Green House Mega Store for 3" square if you buy a case.  I think the cheap solo cups via Walmart are a bit less than half that, but then you gotta punch holes in them, hope they dont split, arent as stable standing up, and just look kind of Mickey mouse.
AJ Drew said:
Solo cups work.  But if I have to buy all new, why go threw the trouble of drilling holes in the damn things when that blown plastic stuff is so cheap?  I see 21 cents a piece at Green House Mega Store for 3" square if you buy a case.  I think the cheap solo cups via Walmart are a bit less than half that, but then you gotta punch holes in them, hope they dont split, arent as stable standing up, and just look kind of Mickey mouse.
What else you gonna do while waiting for HOOKS?
AJ Drew said: