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review Review: Ghost Pepper Sauce


Red sauce, texture is slightly chunky, with some a few seeds in there.

Opened up the bottle and took a whiff and was immediately blown away. There's a great fruity aroma that I can't get enough of. Kiwis, passionfruity, and an underlying faintly smokey pepper smell.

Tasting the sauce you get more of that sweet fruitiness right away and then a very clean pepper flavor. Not a whole lot of vinegar tartness, the flavors of the ingredients really shine here. The fruity taste lingers for ages. Easily one of the best tasting hot sauces I've ever had.

The heat is INTENSE! It started off with a wicked tongue burn which soon kicked in all over. Roof of the mouth and "backamah throat" were absolutely on fire! Heat peaks rapidly then seemed to start easing up, but I think it was more that my tongue went a bit numb as my lips and throat and stomach continued to burn for a good while. I'm glad I did this on a full stomach as I felt the burn all the way down and was drooling for a good 15 minutes.

Aroma: 10/10. Fruity, peppery, intriguing. Wonderful.
Taste: 10/10. Sweet fruitiness that lingers for ages. Clean and natural. So good I went in for a second spoonful.
Heat: 9/10. Well balanced by the flavors of the sauce, but peaked a bit rapidly for me.

This is an incredible sauce that I do not hesitate to recommend to anyone looking for an all natural sauce with great flavors and aromas.

You use your fingers to take the "poury thingy" off! You crazy.
I agree that the fruit flavours are very hard to describe and CM was saying that a bit of it comes from Aussie bush spices i think.

Cool review mate, nice and relaxed and you didn't seem nervous at all! Nice scores on the sauce too, CM will be happy as a pig in muck.
Novacastrian said:
You use your fingers to take the "poury thingy" off! You crazy.
I agree that the fruit flavours are very hard to describe and CM was saying that a bit of it comes from Aussie bush spices i think.

I removed the pourer on my bottle when I first opened it, not sure if I used bare skin or not.

I have to agree as well the fruit flavours are hard to describe, I thought maybe passionfruit and rosella but wasn't sure.
Yep, the bush spices are where it's at on this one and really makes it unique....now I want to know what they are, get them, and grow them!
Thanx Skydiver!!!!
Great review all round !!!

I love the second spoon ! It looked like you thought about it at first... and thought no, then your into it! You had me clapping ! LOL

I hope you enjoy it !

Thanx again for great score ! as nova said ! "happy as a pig in mud" could not ask for better !

What type of wild spices are these chilliman?
Hmmmm, i would so get stuck into MoyBoy ATM however i am due to spend a couple of days with him verrrry soon and he is bigger than me :lol:

Would be cool if someone did an animation of him smoking a butt though,hehehe.
Bottle is almost half gone, this stuff is seriously good.
Put it on a bigass bowl full of pasta and my mouth is going off but I can still taste that fruity stuff in there.
