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reviews of buddys anonymous box of peppers

I was lucky enough to win a box of buddy's peppers from this thread: http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/25172-looking-for-a-home/

So I figured the least I could do was write a little review. There's a lot of different peppers in the box so I'll be updating as I go.

Background: I'm a novice pepper grower (but long time salsa lover) that has moved from jalapeno my first year growing, to serranos and habaneros my second year, to third year (this year) where I grew habs, orange fatalii(OF), peruvian purple (PP) and aji cito (AC). Next year I have plan to do my first year growing from seed which will allow even more variety. So this box will help set the groundwork for what I grow from seed.
For heat indexing purposes not hot=0 nuclear=10 my OF=9 Hab=8.5 PP=6 AC=6

Here is a picture of the peppers buddy sent me taken just after I opened it. Most peppers are in decent shape a few have a couple of soft spots, but still good shape on the whole.

buddy-peppers by SlowRolling, on Flickr

Here is my mini review in the order I've tasted them so far

#2 This was the first pepper I tasted. I took a med to thin slice(very warily since I have no idea what the spice level will be since I haven't researched it or seen anything like it) and it was very citrusy and very habanero tasting, but with virtually no heat, much less than a jalapeno, which was odd, so I sliced off another slice same citrusy note but still barely any heat. So I cut off another chunk and bam, heat hits my tounge instantly, has a hab style heat but still toned down maybe at about 75ish% of the heat of the orange habs I have in my yard, but hotter than my AC & PP. I like it will grow this one and try it out. Heat index 7.5ish

#9 This one visually looked very similar to the OF's I'm growing but slightly less wrinkly/foldy and maybe slightly smaller in size. I took a decent sized slice out of it, and could smell a very fatalii type smell but not as harsh as mine which will often make me hack a bit when I cut them if I breathe in too much. The taste was very Fatalii like but the heat hit immediately, the orange ones I'm growing seem to have a bit of a heat delay for about 5ish seconds. Had heat in the top of my throat which was noticeable every time I took a breath. These were noticably hotter than #2 closer to the hotness of my habs I'm growing. Will grow these as well since I could use a less harsh Fatalii :) Heat index 8.5ish

#4 No heat at all, decent taste though in a bell-pepper way, ate the whole thing. It is possible that there may have been a mild heat but if so it was overpowered from the after effects of eating #9 5-10 min before. Heat index 0
EDIT: wow, I decided to try another one of these and took a big old bite out of it and boy did the second #4 have some kick especially since I didn't expect it not sure if all the #4's are the same but the second one was a 7 on the heat index, but not much of a distinguishable flavor and all tounge heat

will post updates as I try more
I want to watch you eat a #10! (video)!!!!!!!

edit: And if you don't want the #9's, send'em to me!
#4 looks like trinidad red seasoning peppers

# 9 look like bonda ma jaques

#5 looks like jamaican hot choco hab

#8 could be any number of cayennes

#2 may be madame jeanette

hope this helps some

thanks your friend Joe
i think you have:
1. orange hab
2. yellow scorpion (maybe yellow 7)
3. red bhut
4. red paper lantern
5. chocolate hab
6. big sun hab
7. rocoto
8. cayenne
9. fatali
10. trinidad scorpion