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hot-sauce RM's Burning Prairie Hot Sauce


RocketMan's Burning Prairie Hot Sauce (L) and The Captain's sauce.
I was lucky to be on the receiving end or RM's sauces!
Burning Prairie Hot Sauce - 
1.  Appearance.  The sauce is a beautiful green color and it's really appealing, especially if you like green hot sauces.  I like the black matte shrink band; the gold sticker on top is a nice touch and the horizontal perforation is cool..  The label is OK, could use some professional help, but that's not what this about...
2.  Smell - oh my.  It pops.  It smells really good and fresh like a salsa verde.  The tomatillos jump out ... (I think that's what jumps out)...Yep...my wife just said the same thing.
3.  Taste - It's really good.  My wife said it was outrageously delicious. The heat kicks in a little later.  It's not on the tongue right away, but hits you a bit later.  And it's not tremendously spicy, either.  I can imagine using this on authentic tacos...a soft shell with avocado.   Or to spice up a guacamole without hindering the appearance.
4.  One minor criticism - it's thick -- too thick to have an orifice reducer on the bottle.  I'd go without that...just let me at the sauce.  
Loved it.  I will so buy this when it becomes commercially available.