soil Rock wool, pete, coir or soil?

   I am new to this forum and currently my first year of growing from seeds. I didn't have great deal of success with pete or coir or even soil for germination success. I was wondering if rock woll would make a any difference that way or any other ways to increase germanition would be appreciated. My friend germinates in his aero garden and switches to soil as warm weather arrives. he claims he has a much higher rate than any other method.
Try germinating in a coffee filter in a ziplock on top of your fridge. Then transfer to what ever medium you like.  :P
Aerogarden works for me... just have to transplant before the roots get to massive and tangled. I use rockwoll as a medium for it.
Aerogarden is way too expensive. This was my first year, and I grow outdoors and indoors. Since my growing season is almost over, I'm transferring inside.
I start my seeds on a heat pad I got for $30, but if you don't feel like purchasing one (understandable) just do these methods:
  • Place seeds in a damp paper towel in a ziploc bag and place on your cable box or anywhere that is about 80 F or warmer
  • Place seeds in a dixie cup full of soil and place on a warm surface. Just make sure the soil doesn't dry out or get too wet.
Keep the seeds moist and warm and they will germinate well, no matter the medium.
Food for thought: if you decide to go down the organic route, the rapid rooter, rockwool, thing that won't decompose wrapped around your trunk will annoy you.
Peat and Coir would germinate the same as soil but have different characteristics so you'll need to feed the plants differently once they pop.
Aero garden is way expensive BUT if you had one already I don't think there is much of a better way to germinate IMO ...I built a clone/germination bucket on basis of the aero garden design because it worked so well for me....all IME anyway...:)
I got my first aerogarden at a war veterans sale for $25. never used but it was a 2007 model so the seeds and nutes were prob not viable anymore. The second one I got for free from a craigs list offer. Got one running now with salad fixins, the other will be peppers as soon as hubbie picks out the seeds he wants this time around.
I just put the seeds on a damp paper towel in some long, flat tupperware that was going to get thrown out and then leave them out in the shed since it's so hot outside. I check them 1-2 times a day and transplant the seeds immediately into solo cups with soil once I see any sign of a root poking out. I haven't had any problems with this method, and most of my seeds have germinated just fine.